Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Random Thoughts

My manager paid me a high compliment yesterday. She said if a posting comes up, she hopes I would apply for it. You can't get much better than that. I have another year left on my contract and I'm hoping I'll get flipped.

Never work for a Command Sergeant Major when you are a normally sensitive person. I had a "come-to-Jesus" talk with him about his behavior towards me since he's come back from military leave. Luckily, I didn't get fired. Instead I got praised for the size of my balls. That was the last thing I expected.

Stefan and I and Dave and Sam are going to the State Fair this Sunday. The girls are really excited about going on the Ferris Wheel. Hello romance!!

We're hanging out Friday evening with Brett, and then hanging out with John, Michelle and Eryk on Saturday. Michelle and Eryk are in the process of selling their house. I wish them much luck - much more than we had!

Stefan and I are kicking around the idea of getting a gun permit. There's a shooting range down in Colonial Heights, and Cubby isn't turning into the kind of watchdog we were initially hoping for. He's great for drowning small animals with his saliva, but I don't think that will work very well against burglars. Actually, he's asleep right now - the perfect time to spend quality time with the big, slobbery polar bear.

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