Monday, October 16, 2006

My New Tattoo and Other Musings

So I got my second tattoo (finally!). It had been in the works since June, but I wanted to wait until summer was over so it could heal in peace. If I'd gotten it during summer, I wouldn't have been able to go in our pool until it had healed, which would have taken about 3 prime weeks out of summer.

Tom at Mystic Art tattoo created the piece from a picture (he does fabulous work, is underpriced, and I highly recommend him). He does all of his work free-form. I gave him a picture of a green turban seashell, and he went from there. Last Wednesday evening, I went in to have the tattoo done. I now have a green seashell on my right hip. And let me say, it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch! Too close to the bone, I guess.

What is the significance of a seashell, you ask? Simply put, I turned 30, and in the last couple of years, I have grown significantly as a person. Just like a snail, I outgrew the home I was living in, and had to go out to search for a larger home. The green turban seashell signifies the home I outgrew. It will be interesting to see what fruit the next ten years bear, and what symbol I shall choose as a tattoo representing the decade of my thirties!

On to other news....

I recently won an Ebay bid for a lot of 5 OPI nail polishes and I am very excited. OPI is used in many salons, and is known for their ability to withstand chipping. I remember when I had my acrylic nails, I could go for about a month without ever seeing a chip in my polish. And the shades, the wonderful shades! OPI has about a million different colors. For the money, they can't be beat! My shipment just arrived today, so one of the first things I did when I got home was to paint my nails. I'm wearing "Nice color, eh?" I'll update again as to when I get my first chip in the paint, or when I paint my nails again, whichever occurs first.

My new pet peeve (drumroll please)...

Customer service folks who engage me in conversation, and when I engage them back, do not acknowledge that I have spoken. Drives me up a wall!!! What is the point of saying to me, "Oh, I just bought those boots, too and they are so comfortable!" if, when I say in return, "Really? That's great, because my last pair was so comfortable I wore them for seven years and they finally wore out," if you are going to IGNORE ME. I'm only BUYING SOMETHING FROM YOU!!!!

It took me several years to train myself NOT to say "thank you" to the drive-thru person when they handed me my food with all the enthusiasm of a trained chimpanzee. Why should I thank you? I gave you money, I gave you, in essence, YOUR JOB. And you can't even acknowledge me???

Now I'm going to have to come up with a polite, yet effective way to bring attention to the fact that I am being politely ignored during the engagement of small-talk. Not sure how to do that yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with some catchy something-or-other...

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