Sunday, July 16, 2006

Review of the Tempur-Pedic Mattress

We've had our Tempur-Pedic mattress for several months now, so I figure it's time for a review of it. I had heard stories from my chiropractor that the Tempur-Pedics are comfortable for a short while, and then they don't feel so great, namely because it's so comfortable, you tend to not move in your sleep, and then your blood pools.

I have not found this to be the case.

We bought the CelebrityBed, which, at the time, was the most expensive bed Tempur-Pedic offered. Recently, Tempur-Pedic came out with the GrandBed, which tops the CelebrityBed, but I can't imagine how they improved on perfection.

We didn't intend to buy the Rolls Royce of beds, but a streak of fortune came our way. After Stefan's house sold, we'd planned on getting a Tempur-Pedic, and we figured we'd get the DeluxeBed. It was within our budget. When we went shopping, however, we came across a mom-and-pop store that was selling their floor-model CelebrityBed for cheaper than the cost of a DeluxeBed. SOLD!

For the first couple of weeks, the bed felt awkward. It wasn't bouncy or springy, or even all that soft feeling. We wondered if we'd made a mistake. Then we got used to it, and now it is oh, so comfortable. In fact, if this bed has a vice, it would be that it is, in fact, too comfortable. I had to move the alarm clock to the other side of the room. Otherwise, hitting snooze five times in a row was in the realm of possibility. And on weekends, we snooze and snooze and snooze without the alarm waaaay later than we intend. What we believe is causing this problem is that Stefan is a litle radiator, and this bed craves heat. When it gets warm, it gets all nice and soft, like a piece of caramel. Stefan produces enough heat to raise the temperature of the bed to a nice, embryonic state, and therefore, sleep is the natural result. We haven't tested this theory yet, but we will - soon. Once we convince ourselves that it is a real problem!

It is especially great for anyone who suffers from back problems. There is no uncomfortable position when sleeping on this bed, as it truly does balance out the body. I remember lying in bed, and then quickly getting up to see if I was even making a dent on the cushion. There was a dent, of course, but when lying on it, you feel as if you weigh nothing at all. And it's all true about movement displacement. There is none. We tested this by taking flying leaps onto the bed while the other person lay still. No movement was transferred. We did other things to test it, but I can't mention them here. Let me just say if you're worried about that, don't be - the bed passed with flying colors.

Finding sheets to fit the mattress is a bit of a challenge. While it claims to be able to take 14" deep fitted sheets, it doesn't really. The corner pops off on my side of the bed. I think it's the way I roll; the sheet clings to the mattress and gets dislodged when I roll over. It never happens on Stefan's side. The best-fitting sheets are the ones that are 18" deep, and when shopping at Wal-mart, this greatly limits our options.

That's all I can think of for bad things about the bed. The good far outweighs any negatives, so if you are thinking of taking the plunge and splurging on a new bed, I would highly recommend the Tempur-Pedic.

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