I digress.
So I'm playing around in the dummy database, and add a note to an employee record. I discover a MAJOR flaw: the date/time stamp can be modified! As can the "username" of the person who wrote the note. So I write this note, and maybe someday, somebody will read it:
08/03/2001 2:22 PM (disgruntled co-worker):
This employee is on the verge of being fired. He is consistently late to work, he dresses like a slob, and he smells like mothballs. Not to mention he is always sucking on hard candy, all day long. His habit of putting everyone on speakerphone, including his voicemail messages, drives everyone around him crazy. He also clips his nails at his desk, and it grosses people out. Nobody wants to hear about the latest development in his toe fungus battle. This is just one example of his lack of boundaries when he interacts with collegues and co-workers. He has recently taken to caring for a kernel of popcorn he found under his desk. He "rescued" it and taped it to his monitor. He named it Maud, and when someone visits him at his cube, he insists that they also say hello to Maud.
Stefan's been writing like a fiend. We found a local coffeeshop, and he's made fast friends there. It's been great. He has more outside accountability, and since he is a social creature, he is feeding his need to be around other people. I'm really happy for him!
Our lovely neighbors have decided to cut down all the trees in their back yard. They found an after-hours contractor (aka. unlicensed guy who has a day job) to come in with a bobcat and demolition all the beautiful trees which gave us a sense of privacy. We're pretty steamed about this. Considering calling the Army Corp of Engineers, because I believe all the trees they tore down were in federally protected wetlands. We'll see....not sure of how much of a war we want to get into with them, and we want to see what they plan on doing with the land. It will affect our future plans as well. Thank goodness we own a lot of land on the other side of us and it's all federally protected wetlands, so nobody can clear that, too! So much for living in the country! Now we get to listen to the screaming trees as they are being uprooted.
On the flipside, the cutest thing I saw today was our little Perry leaping through the grass, chasing a butterfly. That's when I remember why it's so great to live out here. Our boys are happy.
Big weekend coming up. Stefan wants to spend tonight kicking my butt playing Magic. Tomorrow has turned into a crazy day, with an impromptu bbq at a friend's house, followed up by a girls' night out. One of the girls' husband has decided to banish her from their house on his poker nights. Whatever. Us girls are going out to get pedicures and then to the Melting Pot. I've only been there once, and it's to die for! It is one of my favorite dates with Stefan. We got all dressed up and went there for Valentine's Day. They took our picture, which is now the picture of me he has on his chest. Awwwww....bring out your romance puke-bags! LOL
Sunday we are spending with Sam and Dave. Only 1 week, guys until the Big Day!!!
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