Shame on you, OJ Simpson. Shame on you, Judith Reagan, ReganBooks and HarperCollins. Shame on you, Fox Television.
I felt ill when I first heard that OJ was coming out with a book titled, “If I Did It,” which details, hypothetically, how OJ murdered his former wife and her boyfriend. The book is coming out on November 30, 2006. My initial thought was, “wow, someone in the publishing field is getting too greedy!”
Then, it got worse.
Fox Television just announced it is going to air a special two-day interview with none other than OJ Simpson himself and his publisher, Judith Reagan (who is interviewing him), strategically right before his book is due to be released. The special interview will air on November 27 and November 29. Can you say shameless plug? Let’s all say it together, boys and girls: SHAMELESS PLUG!
Like it’s not bad enough that the dude is telling his story in print because he got Double Jeopardy (what other conclusion am I left with?). The book is strategically dropping right before Christmas. And now, he’s getting a two-day televised interview??? Conducted by his publisher???
Does anyone else not see how dispicable this is? Now, I will admit to suffering from some mild curiousity. Just as I do when I pass an accident on the side of the road. But it’s not enough for me to want to run out and buy the book. Or watch the two-day long commercial. I don’t believe that this is something to celebrate or get excited about. To me, it feels like OJ is flaunting his supposed double jeopardy situation, and he, along with ReganBooks, HarperCollins, and now Fox, are going to get rich off what was a tragic occurence. Not to mention all the companies who choose to advertise during the interview. None of this feels right.
How about a nice, feel-good story, instead? You know, maybe a show about a community that banded together to help a fellow neighbor in need. Something that shows the good will of men. Oh, wait. That doesn’t make for a best-seller. It doesn’t make good television ratings.
This is about greed. Sheer greed, pure and simple. It shows off the one side of capitalism that makes me queasy. The side that gets warped. I’m all for individuals making money. But at the expense of others? I wonder how the Brown family and the Goldman family feel right about now?
For that, I am not going to watch Fox Television, and I am not going to purchase any items from ReganBooks and HarperCollins. I don’t want my hard-earned money supporting someone who shamelessly flaunts his power, greed, and riches in front of the nation, but more importantly, in front of the families of the victims. It makes a mockery of the court system. It tells us that if you have enough money, you can buy your way out of anything. Including murder (hypothetically speaking, of course). And then, you can take that bold step forward and turn it into a money-making scheme.
I’m sure my lousy couple of dollars I’m not spending to support OJ and all those who stand to make a killing off this deal (no pun intended), won’t cause anyone to blink an eye. Sometimes it seems to me that when I get passionate about something, I wonder what I can do, as one person, to make a difference. Especially against something so large as this. But in my heart, I know that even if I am one person making a stand, I have stayed true to my beliefs. And that makes it all worthwhile.
I encourage all of you to stay true to yourself, to make a stand when you feel it in your heart to do so. It will make a difference.
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