Okay, this is a little bit of a test to see if this blog thingie is working for me!
Everyday, I drive half an hour through the country to get to work. I could take the highway, but why bother when I have such nice scenery surrounding me on the back roads?
Everyday, I pass by a horse farm. The main barn is quite close to the road, and they have 4 horses - a black stallion, a white horse, a bay horse, and what appears to be a red roan.
Last week, I noticed some construction going on. They were building a HUGE addition to the barn! The new addition is now complete, and it's 2 stories tall, full of windows, and is about twice the size of the other barn. I also saw a 5th horse there - a dark chesnut/liver horse, so it looks like they're expanding their family.
The funniest thing about this scene is that the people who live there and take such pride in their horses, well, they live in a trailer that looks like it's been there since 1970. You'd have thought they would upgrade their living quarters before giving more to their horses.
But I say kudos to them! It's all about knowing where your priorities are. This is one of the reasons we moved to the country - it fit better with our long-term priorities. Sometimes the drive is cumbersome, and sometimes it gets lonely out here, but then I look at what we're able to accomplish - our cost of living is lower, we can do what we want with our property, we can have as many dogs as we want, build a pool, plant some trees, and see the stars at night and realize our dream of our retirement home on the beach isn't so far off because of the choices we have made. Some folks think we're crazy, but the fact is, we merely aligned ourselves with our priorities.