Monday, June 12, 2006

A Visit To The Southland

I got some great news on Sunday. My Uncle Mike and Aunt Helen are coming down the Fourth of July week for a visit! I haven't seen them since my birthday last year when Holly and I took a train up to Haverhill, MA, my hometown.

Mike was my first and only real mentor and a great many of the brave things I've done in my life can be directly traced back to lessons I learned from him. The less than brave things are mine alone. Helen has been like a second Mom to me, promoting my books and person like I was some kind of superstar.

My uncle is legally blind and for them to take such a trip is a big event for them. Loading up the seeing-eye dog and all the related necessary items, not to mention the expense is no small task, and I'm honored that they'd make this trip just to see us. That's love, folks.


Dave and Sam joined us Saturday for a long day of cooking out, pool-romping and marguarita slurping! I think my favorite part was the pool float battles. We've got some pictures. Hopefully some of them will be on the "less embarrassing" side and we'll get that up in a gallery soon.


Holly and I finally picked up a new mailbox on Sunday. It's one of those large one-piece plastic guys. We've seen more and more of them appearing on the country roads and they either don't get hit as often by their design, or they're able to withstand the damage of being struck by a passing vehicle. Hopefully that'll work out for us.

Now the tricky part will be installing it on the roadside without me becoming a hood ornament. That ought to be a fun day. Holly promises to stand guard and watch for traffic. The pictures from this one should be a hoot! :)

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